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Pablo PICASSO - Print - Etching - Face

Reference -AB0114

Face is a print by the artist Pablo PICASSO, etching that will personalize in a unique and original way the interior of art lovers.

199.00 €

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Pablo PICASSO - Print - Etching - Face

Artist : PICASSO Pablo (1881-1973)

Title : Face, 1946

Technique and support : Etching on Lana Vellum paper

Particularities : Hand-dated print by Picasso in the plate

Size : 34 cm x 29 cm (Hors cadre) 25 cm x 20 cm

Condition : Good, some very light rednesses but really nothing too bad for a work of more than 50 years old (see photos)

Origine : Certified, a certificate of authenticity engaging the responsability of the gallery will be issued




BIOGRAPHY OF THE ARTIST : Pablo Ruiz Picasso, born in Malaga, Spain, on October 25th, 1881 and died on April 8th (in 91 years) to Mougins, France, is a painter, a draftsman and a Spanish sculptor having crossed (spent) the essantiel of its life in France. Artist using all the supports for his work, he is considered as the founder of the cubism with Georges Braque and a companion of art of the surrealism. It is one of the most important artisits of the XXth century, both by its technical and forlak contributions and by its politica stands. He produced about 50 000 works among which 1855 paintings, 1228 sculptures, 2880 ceramic, 7089 drawings, 342 tapestries, 150 pads of sketch and 30 000 prints (engravings, lithoraphy, ect).

Picasso does not establish a hierarchy between the different mediums of printmaking (Lithographs, Etchings ...), including the black and white is for him a way of representing the intimate.


This biography was developed by us following our expertise and various reference books on the artist in our possession, copying is prohited.
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PAYMENT : Credit card, Bank transfer and Paypal.