Artist : André BEAUDIN (1895-1979)
Title : Untitled, 1955
Medium : Etching on BFK Rives paper
Type of work : Original etching signed by hand by the artist in pencil and dated 1955 lower right, numbered 10/10. This work is an additional edition in large margins of the illustration 5 of the book tribute to Eluard "a poem in every book" published in 1956 at 120 copies. In the book the illustration 5 is positioned next to the poem of Paul Eluard "La parole" from the collection "Répétitions" (1922). The work proposed here comes from the album called "Album A", separate from the book at 20 copies. Each album contains like the book 16 prints (including this work by André Beaudin) but they were printed in large margins and unlike the prints in the book, all signed or monogrammed by the artists. The album that we have was the property of the publisher Louis BRODER. It is different from the others because it is enriched in addition to the 16 illustrations with large margins of many other prints collected by the publisher throughout his collaboration with the artists on this book.
Dimensions : 50 x 32,5 cm (Image 11,5 x 13 cm)
Condition : Good, a small almost invisible hole of barely 0.1 mm probably related to the printing matrix of the print but which will be totally invisible to the frame as well as a small printing stain of 0.2 mm. See photo 6.
Provenance : Genevieve and Jean Paul Kahn Collection
Expert's comment : André Beaudin's participation in the book tribute to Paul Eluard was obvious because the poet really appreciated this cubist artist friend of Pablo Picasso and Juan Gris. The artist develops his own style by working the form from straight lines and curves. Light playing a preponderant role in his work, he illustrates the poem "the word" with a print in soft and acid colors. Paul Eluard will also create the prefaces for two of his exhibition catalogues.
The Album and the Book :
Explanatory photo 1: Comparison between Album A offprint of "a poem in each book" printed in 20 copies and the book "a poem in each book" printed in 120 copies. Explanatory photo 2: Album A offprint of 20 copies having belonged to the publisher Louis Broder contained in a gray canvas box with a label stuck on the back and the first cover. Explanatory photo 3: Proof of printing of Album A which indicates the maximum number of copies of prints contained in total in the 20 albums as well as the names of the artists. It is annotated in red pencil "Editor's copy B" because it belonged to Louis Broder. Explanatory photo 4: Original print signed and printed with wide margins by Pablo Picasso , contained in album A Explanatory photo 5: Original print signed and printed with large margins by Max Ernst, contained in album A Explanatory photo 6: Book "a poem in each book" printed in 120 copies, containing the 16 prints unsigned by the artists (signatures on the proof of printing of the book) Explanatory photo 7: Print by Pablo Picasso on double page, unsigned contained in the book "a poem in each book" Explanatory photo 8: Print by Max Ernst unsigned contained in the book "a poem in each book"
To discover in pictures the history of Album A and the rare prints it contains, click on the video below !
Biography of the artist : Born in Mennecy on February 3, 1895, André Beaudin attended the School of Decorative Arts from 1911 to 1915. He had his first private exhibition, in 1923, at the Percier gallery in Paris, prefaced by Max Jacob. In November 1962, he received the National Arts Prize. A few years later, at the request of the architect Édouard Albert, he produced a mosaic for the Faculty of Sciences of Jussieu in the 5th arrondissement of Paris. Between 1964 and 1966, he created several original sculptures and decorations in collaboration with the Manufacture de Sèvres.
History of the book and the album : We advise you to read our blog "THE ALBUM OF LOUIS BRODER: A LEGENDARY PORTFOLIO".
About Paul ELUARD : We advise you to read our blog "PAUL ELUARD: THE CHOSEN ONE OF THE ART" .
Some verses of the poem "The word": I have easy beauty and that's happy. I slide on the roofs of the winds I slide on the roof of the seas I got sentimental I don't know the driver anymore I no longer move silk on the mirrors I'm sick flowers and pebbles I like the most chinese to the skies I like the most naked to bird spreads I am old but here I am beautiful